"Demetrius has impacted my life more than he knows. His leadership style has taught me to build teams and relationships on purpose, and to keep positive people in my circle of influence. His positive, yet straight laced teachings and posts have encouraged me to evaluate my situation and make adjustments when and as needed. Conversations with Demetrius always leaves me stoked - excited about life and living it on purpose."
L. Moore, TX
"Demetrius Colbert has been a brother for almost 3 years. Within that three years my life has been impacted concerning his humility and security. His humility has reminded me that any assignment is never about me. It's always about the greater good of others and their progression.
Secondly, out of his humility, he walks with a high level of security within himself. He's exemplified what it looks like to not try to be like anybody else. He's clearly content with who he is. I've seen how this allows him to create spaces and platforms for others to operate out of who they were made to be."
Pastor Dewayne Hawkins, Fellowship Phoenix
"I am so honored to be able to be able to write a word on behalf of the man I affectionately call ‘PD (short for Pastor Demetrius)’ regarding his contribution to, not just my life, but the life of my family. From the first time we interacted I could instantly perceive the depth of care exhibited by PD. As I grew to know him better I realized that my initial perception was only the tip of the iceberg of his concern for people. Both he, his wife and children exemplify what it means to live a life of service to others.
My acquaintance with PD began when I started attending a church where he was senior pastor. The messages he preached were profound, relevant and challenging to the congregation and, consequently, spurred us to practically live out our profession of faith. And he went above and beyond the call of duty weekly by getting to know all whom were under his leadership, including my family. He and his wife were readily available to counsel, advise and encourage my family during a tough season which meant a lot because they extended love out of the kindness of their heart without any type of ulterior motives. PD and his family have overcome many obstacles and have allowed those experiences to give them greater compassion for others which is clearly evident.
As a result of PD’s influence I am inspired to pursue my goals regardless of the challenges I may face and to complete tasks in a manner that edifies the people around me. I am also encouraged to pursue wholehearted honesty, first with God, then to myself and others. PD has taught me (and many others) that the condition of our heart directly impacts our way of thinking, decision making and, ultimately, the circumstances of our life. Therefore, I make a conscious effort to seek the Lord and ask him to show me my heart – a tough request because I do not always like what I’m shown. However, I feel that I am a stronger person and able to have a greater Kingdom impact for Christ because of this inquiry. I look up to PD and his family as an example of how to successfully ‘live out’ my Christian faith."
Aysha Bell, Career Services Advisor, Grand Canyon University
"The qualities you possess that impacted my life from a leadership perspective: communication, guidance, rewarding, and passion. As a leader you taught me that communication is key. Open dialog, planning, and following up. Mentoring and guiding your leadership team was also a huge impact.
Getting to know your leaders and spending time with them so they each know they do matter and are important to you outside of just work. Rewarding your leaders, people want to know they are valued.
Your passion for what you believe comes across with enthusiasm and excitement that is passed along to your leaders. So in closing these qualities have helped me become a better leader in my role, I communicate with each and every person, I mentor and guide them full circle in life, I reward them and show they are valuable to me. I lead with passion so that it spreads like a virus to them. Thank you for impacting my life."
Maricela Trujillo McCallum
"For the past two years, I have come to know Demetrius as a friend and as my pastor of Fellowship Phoenix located in the Phoenix metropolitan area. During this time, he was instrumental in my personal growth back into ministry and helping me realize the priority of servant leadership, both personally and organizationally.
Demetrius 's most remarkable quality is his heart for people and desperately wanting to help them become authentic leaders that create value in their own spheres of influence.
Demetrius's leadership would be an asset to any organization and I recommend him for any endeavor he chooses to pursue. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about him. I have been deeply impacted by such an excellent friend/Pastor and would like to thank him for his superior Kingdom work. He would be a tremendous asset and has my highest recommendation."
Mark Murphy, Managing Partner, SEIT GLOBAL, LLC
"Pastor Colbert has been a wonderful blessing in our lives. He joined us during one of our most memorable moments, as he married my husband and me. He has shared wisdom and provided emotional and inspirational support with a non-biased attitude during some of my family's darkest times. His heart is golden!
He is a profound leader by way of having the ability to articulate in a way that captures the community promoting dedication and honor in carrying out his future visions regarding spiritual growth and church in the community with great inspiration. His leadership qualities include charisma, self-confidence, self-discipline, and determination. His sermons were presented in such a way that inspired spiritual intellect, life responsibility, and life evaluation.
He stands in spiritual state of being. He presents with balanced expression of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical dimensions. He embodies a sense of personal integrity, radiant energy, vitality,
We are so honored to have been in the presence of Pastor Colbert. He has been instrumental with relation to our personal and spiritual growth. Anyone given the chance would benefit from his spiritual influence. We are very grateful!"
Tiffany M. Green-Williams
"Demetrius Colbert has played an integral part in my growth as a Father, friend and more importantly in my pursuit of God. Demetrius has served my family and I in various capacities including Pastor. He has allowed me to be who God has made me without judgment however, he has corrected me on occasion. His guidance, I am forever thankful and his loyalty to my family is unparalleled to any. Furthermore, if the world had a plethora of Demetrius Colberts, it would simply be a better world."
Corey McCallum
"Are you ready to discover and move beyond the barriers of old patterns holding you back from reaching your full life potential. And wise enough to know the time to start is now! It is my honor to take a few moments to capture into words all that Demetrius Colbert means to me, although I fear that it will not do justice. Knowing him for about 6 years I’ve had the privilege to walk with him in many capacities; employer, friend, and pastor. In all these facets, I’ve seen the utmost in respect for others, exemplifying grace while leading them, and most importantly, a purveyor of the Gospel. His passion for seeing and expecting the best from people is contagious. He has spoken into my life, encouraged, and loved me, while pressing me to be and do better. Allowing him to speak into your life is the best decision you will ever make."
Shelly Seitz Founder, Powerful Image Development